Ways to Serve
Your local parish is the central location where you practice being a steward of the gifts God has granted you. Are you involved in the life of your parish?
When you participate in your parish, you are helping to build the Kingdom of God here on earth starting right in your own neighborhood. You help build the Kingdom by joining a parish organization, volunteering with ministries operated by the parish, enrolling in an educational program or giving financially to meet the needs of the parish. As you give, you join with others in your parish doing the work of the Church and ministering to those in your community and beyond.
Be an active part of the faith that enriches your life each and every day. Get involved and help others build their faith while renewing yours! Stewardship is your way of showing gratitude for all God has given you.
Ways to Serve - Opportunities to Learn
Communion Ministers share the Body and Blood of Christ with the parish at Mass. Catholics who have received the sacrament of Confirmation are invited to join this ministry. Ministers serve one or two times each month.
Readers tell the story of God’s saving action on behalf of his people. They break open the Word of God and share the good news of God’s love. Adults and confirmed teens may participate in this ministry. Readers serve once or twice a month.
Altar Servers assist the presider at Mass. This important ministry is open to adults and young people who have made their First Communion. We are especially in need of men and women to be adult servers. Training is necessary for this ministry. Servers are scheduled once or twice a month.
For information on any of the Liturgical Ministries please contact Sandy Minor by phone at 383-3924 ext. 13 or by email: sandy@olmstpatrick.org.
Commentators & Ushers are important ministers of hospitality. Their ministry helps to make parishioners and visitors feel welcome and wanted. The ministries of Commentator and Usher are open to all parishioners; it’s a great opportunity for families to work together for the Parish and to draw people together with a sense of unity and purpose. For information on these Ministries, please contact Rosemarie at 209-383-3924 ext 16 OR rosemarie@olmstpatrick.org
Eucharistic Ministers to the Sick are trained members of our parish community who take Holy Communion to parish members confined to their homes. They include convalescent, retirement and residential care homes. They provide support to them and their families during times of illness and recovery. They offer friendship and companionship to residents as well as assisting them in attending Mass. Contact us at 383-3924.
Bereavement Support Group (Grief Share) meets every Wednesday at 5:00 PM– 6:30 PM in the Parish Hall’s Priest’s Dining Room. The Support Group is for individuals that have lost a loved one and who are dealing with the everyday life changes after suffering the death of that loved one. Topics that are covered include: understanding grief, stress and coping, anniversaries and holidays, remembering and memorializing. For more information please contact Jack Jackson at 209-777-1361.
Detention Ministry is training volunteers to minister to the needs of inmates. Our goal is building strong Christian communities in jails and prisons through our ministers who are sharing their spiritual lives and praying together. Please contact the Church Office at 383-3924.
Music Ministry offers numerous opportunities for you and your family to become involved with the Music Ministry at St Patrick’s. Come join us and use your musical gifts and talents for the glory of God and the blessing of the Body of Christ. Please feel free to contact Dennis Brown at 209-349-8291 or dennis@olmstpatrick.org
Parish School. Our Lady of Mercy School (Preschool thru 8th Grade) has been in operation since 1927. OLM School is fully accredited by the Western Association of Schools and Colleges and Certified by the Western Catholic Education Association. The school is located at 1400 E. 27th St., Merced CA 95340, 722-7496. The Principal is Mrs. Judy Blackburn. Her email address for the school is info@olmlancers.com.
Religious Education Program/CCD/Catechism gives children from first through eighth grades an opportunity to learn more about the faith. Children also prepare for first Confession and First Communion through this program. Teachers and Aides are needed for the many classes that meet weekly. To get involved, call Debbie Rosa at the CCD Office, 209-723-8888, or debbie@olmstpatrick.org.
High School Confirmation Classes. Two year program where participants meet in small groups led by an adult facilitator. To learn more, call the office at 209-383-3924
O.C.I.C. (Order of Christian Initiation for Children). Children of school age must participate with their parents in special instructions. This is a two year process which is set up at the time of registration. Please contact Mrs. Debbie Rosa 209-723-8888 or debbie@olmstpatrick.org.
Preschool of Religion & Childcare is a place where 3, 4, and 5-year olds can learn about the faith through simple lessons and activities. The group meets in the Parish Hall during the 10:00 am Sunday Mass. If you would like your children to participate—or if you would like to help out with the program—call 209-383-3924 and the staff will let the usual coordinators know.
Baptisms in English are the 2nd and 4th Sunday of the month at 1:30 pm. In Spanish, the 2nd and 4th Saturday of the month at 11:30 am. All baptisms are celebrated at St. Patrick’s Church. Please contact the church office at 383-3924 for more information.
Weddings. Our parish provides weddings in English or Spanish. Weddings are on Saturdays at St. Patrick’s Parish or Our Lady of Mercy. Details of preparation are available by contacting the Wedding Coordinator, Veronica Ochoa, at the church office—383-3924 ext. 12 or email veronica@olmstpatrick.org.
O.C.I.A (Order of Christian Initiation for Adults) is the pathway by which adults enter the Church. It is a journey of growth in the faith and involves a period of Inquiry followed by a more intense time of learning, reflection, and prayer (the Catechumenate). Sponsors and a Hospitality Team are also involved in the OCIA process. For more information, contact Deacon Chuck Reyburn at 209-349-8291 or chuck@olmstpatrick.org
First Communion & Confirmation for adults 12 weekly classes for sacramental formation. Contact Deacon Chuck at 209-349-8291 or chuck@olmstpatrick.org.
St. Patrick's Charismatic Prayer Support Group meets on Fridays at 7:00 pm in the Parish Hall Classroom. You are welcome to come and listen to the Word of God as we apply it to our lives. A 24/7 Prayer Line is open to our Parish Family at any of the following telephone numbers: Janie Garcia 209-761-3995
For information concerning any of the above programs please call: Church Office 209-383-3924.