Pastoral Care
"Amen, I say to you, whatever you did for one of these least brothers of mine, you did for me." Matthew 25:40
Welcome. Pastoral Care at St. Patrick's focuses on visiting Parishioners who have become sick or have had an accident in the short term, or due to age or illness in the long term, are no longer able to come, worship, and pray with their church community on a regular basis.
We are here to inform and respond to St. Patrick's Parish families in times of spiritual, social and emotional needs through the established Outreach and Pastoral Ministries of the Parish.
Mission. To provide information on the Pastoral and Outreach ministries of St. Patrick's Catholic Church upon request to those Parishioners whose families need comforting during difficult times, illness, or when preparing for a death;
To arrange for Pastoral Care and Outreach support according to the wishes and needs of Parishioner families in a professional and confidential manner;
To affirm the act of mercy dictated by Christ to care for the sick, comfort the dying, and to be a beacon of encouragement, love, and support to the Parishioners of St. Patrick's.
The goal of the Pastoral Care Ministry is to provide information on all of St. Patrick's Pastoral and Outreach Ministries and to arrange for those services if a Parishioner so requests.
Many Parishioners know about St. Patrick's Eucharistic Ministry to those who are homebound, ill, or in the hospital. However, some Parishioners might not know that other support options are available as well ~ visits and anointing by our Parish priests, prayer lists, occasional contact by the Pastoral Care Ministry (personal visit, phone call, cards, etc.). Parishioners can contact this Ministry through either a direct phone line (209-383-3924) or direct email address ( for information or to arrange for the services that St. Patrick's Pastoral and Outreach Ministries provide.
Our Eucharistic Ministers bring prayer, compassion, Scripture, and Holy Communion to the sick and homebound of our community in hospitals, nursing homes, or private homes. They're supplying news of events and parish literature as well.
Pastoral Care Ministry derives its name and nature from the meaning of shepherd and suggests the work of the shepherd with the flock. That is why Cannon Law speaks of Pastoral Care as a necessary service for parish life.
Because of the Right to Privacy laws, St. Patrick's is not notified of parishioners who are hospitalized. We must hear from the parishioner, family member, or friend if they would like to be visited by a member of the pastoral care team. Please call 209-383-3924.
All requests for information or assistance should come from the Parishioner or family; the Pastoral Care Ministry is there if needed. Because a Parishioner contacts the Ministry directly, strict confidentiality is guaranteed. The Pastoral Care Ministry will also have referral resource information available in other areas (counseling contact, grief resources, etc.).
Since we depend heavily on volunteer support, New Eucharistic Ministers to the Sick, are always needed and welcome. If you are interested in becoming a pastoral minister, contact us at 209-383-3924 or email
Anointing of the Sick. This sacrament (formerly known as: Last Rites) is administered by a priest to a baptized person through prayer and the anointing of the body with the oil of the sick (recipients can be persons whose health is seriously threatened by sickness or an accident; candidates for surgery; elderly persons notably weakened or who suffer from chronic illness and pain).
The effects of the sacrament include a special grace of healing and comfort to the Christian who is suffering the infirmities of illness or old age, and the forgiving of the person's sins. Through the Sacrament of Anointing the Holy Spirit renews confidence and faith in God and strengthens against discouragement and anguish at the time of illness. It leads to spiritual healing and, often, bodily healing as well.
There was a time when this Sacrament was administered only in extreme danger of death and therefore was referred to as Extreme Unction. Today, except in the case of a serious accident, the Church encourages us to receive the Sacrament at the time of sickness, never delay until the person is unconscious or too feeble to participate in the celebration.
A priest is on call day and night. Please call us early. Do not wait until the sick person is in a coma or actually dying. You can help; an honest word with the sick may be less cruel than to let them die without having the consolation of consciously settling their spiritual affairs.
Please send your request to or call the church office at 209-383-3924 to make arrangements for a priest's visit.
"Suffering and illness have always been among the greatest problems that trouble the human spirit. Christians feel and experience pain as do all other people; yet their faith helps them to grasp more deeply the mystery of suffering and to bear their pain with greater courage. From Christ's words they know that sickness has meaning and value for their own salvation and for the salvation of the world. They also know that Christ, who during his life often visited and healed the sick, loves them in their illness" (Pastoral Care of the Sick: Rites of Anointing and Viaticum, no. 1).