2021 - 2024
Pope Francis has invited everyone to participate in discussing 2 more topics to close out the 3 year Synodal journey.
The Diocese of Fresno will be hosting several Listening Sessions throughout the Diocese and will hold 3 sessions here at
St. Patrick's Hall - 673 E Yosemite Ave. Merced, Ca 95340:
Sunday, March 3, 4pm in English (COMPLETE - thank you for your participation!)
Thursday, March 7, 10am in English
Thursday, March 7, 10am in English
Thursday, March 7, 6:30pm Bilingual (We will have groups led in both English and Spanish)
Thursday, March 7, 6:30pm Bilingual (We will have groups led in both English and Spanish)
We invite the Parish family of St. Patrick's as well as the community of Merced to join in one of these sessions.
All sessions will focus on the same 2 topics:
Where have I seen or experienced or witnessed encouragement and/or challenges in our shared mission as Church.
Where have I seen or experienced or witnessed encouragement and/or challenges in our shared mission as Church.
What is our shared mission?
What is our shared mission?
Dónde he visto o experimentado o he sido testigo de estímulos y/o desafíos en nuestra misión compartida como Iglesia.
Dónde he visto o experimentado o he sido testigo de estímulos y/o desafíos en nuestra misión compartida como Iglesia.
¿Cuál es nuestra misión compartida?
¿Cuál es nuestra misión compartida?
Where have I witnessed Church structure (parish, diocesan, universal) fostering or hindering our shared mission?
Where have I witnessed Church structure (parish, diocesan, universal) fostering or hindering our shared mission?
¿Dónde he visto que la estructura de la Iglesia (parroquial, diocesana, universal) fomenta o dificulta nuestra misión compartida?
¿Dónde he visto que la estructura de la Iglesia (parroquial, diocesana, universal) fomenta o dificulta nuestra misión compartida?
What is needed to help all the baptised respond to our shared mission to proclaim the Gospel and live as a community of love and mercy in Christ?
What is needed to help all the baptised respond to our shared mission to proclaim the Gospel and live as a community of love and mercy in Christ?
¿Qué se necesita para ayudar a todos los bautizados a responder a nuestra misión común de anunciar el Evangelio y vivir como comunidad de amor y misericordia en Cristo?
¿Qué se necesita para ayudar a todos los bautizados a responder a nuestra misión común de anunciar el Evangelio y vivir como comunidad de amor y misericordia en Cristo?
The Vatican
The Vatican
United States Conference of Catholic Bishops
United States Conference of Catholic Bishops
Conferencia de Obispos Católicos de los Estados Unidos
Conferencia de Obispos Católicos de los Estados Unidos
Diocese of Fresno
Diocese of Fresno
Synod on Synodality Synthesis Report
Diósecis de Fresno