Pastoral Council
The Parish Pastoral Council is a shared responsibility with the pastor. It works with the pastor to establish a vision for the parish community. It is not involved in the daily management of the parish, but instead directly assists in assessing needs, setting goals, and putting forth recommendations to the pastor for suggested ministries, The Parish Pastoral Council may also establish subcommittees and task forces to assist in meeting objectives. The Parish Community Mission Statement guides the Parish Pastoral Council in its deliberations. The work of the Parish Pastoral Council shall seek the guidance of the Holy Spirit.
The Parish Council shall meet at least quarterly. Meetings are normally open to all parishioners, and meeting agendas shall be publicized before each meeting. Contact us for more information on meeting times and agendas.
Membership and Selection
The Parish Pastoral Council shall be comprised of nine members of the parish who serve three year terms. The lay members shall be generally representative of the parish community at large. The pastor, any associate pastors, and a permanent deacon serve as ex-officio members; parish staff, as designated by the pastor, may also serve as ex-officio members. All members are expected to be actively involved in the parish community, both prior to and while serving on the Parish Pastoral Council.
Members are selected to serve on the Parish Pastoral Council through an election process.
Terms begin July 1 of each year.