Parish Registration
Click the link above if you are currently a registered parish member with a username and password.
Click the link above to register as a new parish member and/or to create username and password.
At this link, you will select Our Lady of Mercy/St. Patrick's Parish as your Organization
You can log in to Parish Soft Family Suite with a unique username and password to do the following:
Register online to enroll any family member in an open faith formation class
Volunteer for ministries
Manage ministry scheduling and service preferences
See envelope and online giving history
Browse the online parish directory to connect with other members
Update family and member information, add photos, and set privacy preferences
Support the accuracy of your parish records and reduce paper!
New users who don't have an account can request a member login. The self-serve system offers clear, on-screen guidance to help you request a new My Own Church account.
The Importance of Registering in Your Parish
Registering in your parish is an important first step to becoming an active member in the local church community.
Registration brings with it tangible benefits that can help a person become more fully engaged in the local church. Please note that parish and diocesan leadership will not share the registration information with any governmental or law enforcement agency. The registration process is completely confidential.
Benefits of Parish Registration:
Provides proof of sacramental participation.
If a person receives any of the sacraments in a parish, registration provides a clear and straightforward way to keep track of this information. Conveniently, proof of sacramental participation can easily be passed from one parish to the next if one moves.
Offers spiritual benefits.
After registering with a parish, it is more likely that a person will participate fully in the life of the parish and to find a spiritual family. Families will feel less alone and more supported in times of joy and in times of sorrow. In times of difficulty, a parish family can offer crucial material and spiritual assistance. Parishioners will find many opportunities to grow in love of God and of neighbor, and will be surrounded by some excellent role models who will help them navigate the complexities of life.
Demonstrates community involvement.
Registration in the parish provides an opportunity to participate in and become an established member of the local parish community. This has a variety of benefits that extend beyond participation at weekly Mass.
Provides financial and educational benefits.
Registering in the local parish will often bring with it additional benefits that could help family members. For example, registration could provide a credit or subsidy that can be used for your children at local parochial schools. This could reduce the cost of tuition and help a parishioner’s child receive both the educational advantages and spiritual formation that come with attending a Catholic school.
Demonstrates financial commitment.
Providing regular offerings at the weekly Mass by using the offering envelopes or online giving after registration demonstrates a financial commitment to the Church on a weekly basis. It is important to emphasize, however, that registering at the parish does not require a parishioner to give financial contributions; nor are individuals expected to provide large contributions.
My Own Church is the paperless, environmentally friendly way to support the connectedness of our entire parish.
Parish ministries and communications rely on accurate parishioner information and tools that support full engagement in parish life. My Own Church is a mobile directory and secure parishioner portal that eases administration and improves the accuracy of parishioner records while connecting members to places where they interact most with the Church.
My Own Church integrates seamlessly with Parish Family Directory, Religious Education, Ministry Scheduler, and Offering programs to deliver a user-friendly portal that parishioners can access anytime, anywhere from the web.
Parish Members can log in to My Own Church with their unique usernames and passwords to do the following:
Register online to enroll any family member in an open faith formation class
Volunteer for ministries
Manage ministry scheduling and service preferences
See envelope and online giving history
Browse the online parish directory to connect with other members
Update family and member information, add photos and set privacy preferences
Support the accuracy of your parish records and reduce paper!
New users who don’t have an account can request a member login. The self-serve system offers clear, on-screen guidance to help request a new My Own Church account.
My Own Church Help Videos:
Member Navigation (3:16)
Provides a brief overview of the MyOwnChurch site from a member's perspective. Covers how to navigate the site and provides explanations for each area.
In this video tutorial you'll learn how to access and download your electronic giving statements from within your My Own Church account.